Indefinite Pause & New Blog

19 Nov

Dear friends,

I have decided to indefinitely pause Love Out Loud, until I decide what I would like to do with this ‘personal project’ next.

I look forward to continuing this wonderful blogging journey with you in the future, in whatever shape or form it may be!

Much love



20 Oct

Dear Reader,

As you may have noticed, Love Out Loud has been quiet over the summer.

Many changes are taking place in my life at the moment and many new projects are being born.

Therefore, I am putting this blog on hold for the moment.

I will be back soon, but, for the moment, I wish you a beautiful autumn.



Don’t Put Off the Good Things to Tomorrow

24 Jul

“You’re the first person to say ‘Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today’, yet you always put off doing good things for yourself“, said my partner to me recently. “You don’t put off doing the dishes, or tidying up, or checking e-mails, but you never prioritise things such as yoga or reading which make you happy.”

He was so right and his words were a revelation to me. It had never crossed my mind that I shouldn’t put off the good things, too – I thought this motto only applied for chores and tasks.

I always knew that by not putting off our chores and tasks we have a better-organised life, we save time, we reduce stress. I never thought about the fact that by not putting off activities we enjoy, we …. don’t put off enjoying ourselves!

Let’s make the most of our time and prioritise at least one of our loved activities today. Let’s not put off being happy.

Today I will: make an iced coffee, read a book, ride a bike. And you?

Keep Your Space Free

13 Jul

I don’t know about you, but I have a problem with  empty spaces – I always try to fill them.

An empty corner in the house? I want to put a plant in it.

An empty wall? I want to hang a picture on it.

An empty hour in my week? I want to plan a meeting into it.

An empty week during the holidays? I want to fill it with activities.

In fact, my problem is that I always associate “space” with “empty”. But what if it wasn’t “empty”, what if it was…”free”?


A free corner in the house, for light to fill it.

A free wall, for sun rays to dance on it.

A free hour in the day, to do what I like.

A free week, to rest and gather energy.

Let’s appreciate the free space we have in our lives by keeping it free!


10 Jul

Turn the light off
there’s a light on in your heart
so let it be your guidance, guidance!
Open up your mouth if what you say
could be more beautiful than silence
~ K’naan – More beautiful than silence

Imagine…that silence was a part of our culture’s etiquette, just like saying “Please” and “Thank you”.

Imagine…that it was silence that was considered polite, rather than the small talk that forces us to share details of our lives with our neighbour, hairdresser or colleague.

Imagine…that it was considered perfectly natural to say “I don’t feel like talking right now” or “I don’t want to answer your question”.

Imagine…that wanting to go for a walk on your own in silence was as normal as wanting to go for dinner with friends.

Imagine…only speaking to share something valuable or important with our interlocutor.

Imagine…being able to ask a colleague not to disturb us for an hour or an afternoon, because we need silence to concentrate on our work.

Imagine…switching off everything that makes a noise: telephone, email alert, oven timer, radio, GPS…

Imagine…being able to hear what is going on inside, rather than outside.

Sit Listen Silence