The Right to be Amazing

28 Jun

Do you give yourself the right to be amazing or do you settle for being average? Until recently, I settled for the latter, but last week, a truly phenomenal thing happened, caused by nothing else but a shift in my attitude towards myself.

I have never been good at bowling – I usually come last or second to last in any game I play. I get one strike per game and usually by sheer chance. I do not know how to control the ball nor how to control the force with which I throw it. Being good at bowling has always been a mystery to me.


Last week I went bowling with a group of fifteen friends and on my first go a thought popped into my head “You have the right to be amazing. You have the right to win. Get a strike!”.

And guess what? I got a strike. So, on every go I said to myself “Give yourself the right to be amazing. Give yourself the right to win”.

VictoryAnd guess what? I didn’t get just one strike, not even two, not even three. I got enough strikes to make me win out of the group of fifteen people!

How do you explain the fact that a girl who has never won a game of bowling in her life got double the points of most of the other players?

For me, there is only one explanation for this: I gave myself the right to it.

I allowed myself to be great. I allowed myself to excel. I allowed myself to come first. I allowed myself to win.

A shift in my attitude towards what I have the right to be and to do caused a small miracle. I changed my thoughts from “I’m not good at bowling” to “I can be amazing”. And instantly my body replied to this affirmation by acting it out!

This was an amazing discovery for me – nothing could have been clearer proof of how our thoughts change our reality.

Have you ever noticed a very significant change in your reality following a change of attitude?

6 Responses to “The Right to be Amazing”

  1. Currie Rose 28/06/2013 at 13:11 #

    Love this! What an amazing story. :). Congrats…. And thanks for reminding me that I have a right to be amazing.

    • l0ve0utl0ud 30/06/2013 at 08:31 #

      Yes, you do! Give yourself the right to it 🙂

  2. Strawberryindigo 30/06/2013 at 01:19 #

    All so true…love this post! Positively positive.

    • l0ve0utl0ud 30/06/2013 at 08:32 #

      Thank you, Strawberryindigo! Glad it brought you some positivity!

  3. toemailer 03/07/2013 at 18:37 #

    Proves it’s all mind over matter, good for you! 🙂

    • l0ve0utl0ud 05/07/2013 at 08:08 #

      Yes, it would be awesome to put this into practice for every aspect of our lives!

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