Indefinite Pause & New Blog

19 Nov

Dear friends,

I have decided to indefinitely pause Love Out Loud, until I decide what I would like to do with this ‘personal project’ next.

I look forward to continuing this wonderful blogging journey with you in the future, in whatever shape or form it may be!

Much love


3 Responses to “Indefinite Pause & New Blog”

  1. Laurie Buchanan 19/11/2013 at 23:07 #

    I just wanted you to know that when I clicked on the link you provided in this post it brought me straight back here (as opposed to your new blog).

    • My Light Bag 20/11/2013 at 21:54 #

      Thank you very much for letting me know! I really appreciate it.I will try and fix this. If you copy and paste the address into the adress box, does it work?

  2. Lindsey (Currie) Dubois 05/01/2014 at 06:27 #

    I got the same thing……

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