Tag Archives: Flowers

I Choose Beauty

4 Jul

I have been using Louise Hay’s 2012 “I Can Do It” calendar every day this year and the daily messages in the calendar never fail to transform my day in a positive way.

Today’s message, for example, is as follows:

I am free to be who I want to be, living my life as I choose.

As I sat down to do my morning writing, all my thoughts revolved around this beautiful and enlightening message. The following words flowed from my pen:

I choose travel.

I choose learning.

I choose writing.

I choose nature.

I choose yoga.

I choose walks.

I choose loving relationships.

I choose honest friendships.

I choose simplicity.

I choose hard work.

I choose challenge.

I choose games.

Image rights: The Guardian:The Observer

I choose creativity.

I choose beauty.

I choose health.

I choose reading.

I choose flowers.

I choose quietness.

Image rights: Glitter and Pearls

I choose movement.

I choose dance.

I choose photography.

I choose contemplation.

I choose taking my time.

I choose music.


What do YOU choose?

Dreams are like Dandelions

27 Jun

It is said that if you make a wish and blow off all of a dandelion’s seeds in one breath, your wish will come true.

But have you noticed that there are always one or two seeds left clutching on?

And, have you ever thought about just how representative this is of making our dreams come true?

In order to make a dream come true, we need a lot of energy to make the necessary actions. We plough forward and our initial enthusiasm gets us closer and closer to our dream. In this way, we blow off most of the dandelion seeds in one go.

Then, suddenly, we come across a challenge – the dandelion’s two remaining seeds cannot be blown off with our first breath, with our first attempt.

We must pause.

With the dandelion, we use this pause to take a new, bigger breath, in order to blow with more energy than the first time round. With our dreams, however, we are tempted to stop altogether, because, unlike with a dandelion, we cannot see that there are only two seeds left to blow off, only one last effort to make.

All of the dandelion’s seeds will fly off if we give enough energy and if we persist when the seeds resist.

The challenges we face when realising our dreams are just like those seeds.

Chris Ratzlaff Photography

Take a deep breath and make your wish come true!

Photo Friday – Subtlety

2 Mar

Photo Friday – Signs of Spring

17 Feb

Signs of Spring

Rumour in the Treetops

16 Feb

The Sun was knocking on my window.

“Come and join us!” she beckoned. “Rumour has it, someone important is on her way!”

Enticed by the Sun’s soft voice, I opened my balcony doors and stepped outside.

I soon saw that the Sun was right: the whole of nature seemed to be preparing for some grand event. The birds had a surplus of energy and were chasing each other at roller-coaster speed through the sky. The trees were standing taller than usual and were turning towards each other for advice on the most attractive position to hold their branches. The grass was showing off its new highlights, and the clouds were parading all of their shapes and forms across a light blue sky.

The Sun, with its long elegant rays, was nudging awake the sleeping flowers, who were reluctant to throw off the warm layer of dry leaves that had kept them warm during the winter. A zephyr came shyly towards me and kissed my cheek so softly that I barely noticed. Before I could give him an embarrassed smile back, he had already slid away silently.

The air was gathering perfumes from all corners of the Earth, and my eyelids were drooping slowing from this overdose of odours.

And in my dazed state, I believe to have heard a Whisper make its way through the treetops.

She spoke very quietly, but I caught the most important part of her message: “Spring is on her way!”